
Poll finds Biden at lowest approval point yet in Arizona

President Biden is facing his lowest approval numbers in Arizona, according to a new poll out Wednesday, adding another tough blow to Biden as he sees a recent dip in survey numbers.

Forty percent of Arizona voters said that they had a positive opinion about Biden’s job as president after 14 months on the job, according to a new tracking survey by OH Predictive Insights (OHPI), while 55 percent said they disapprove of his job performance.

The survey also pointed to a tough road ahead for Biden to court independents in the Grand Canyon State, with nearly 3 in 4 saying that they disapproved of Biden’s job performance.

Compared to a survey conducted last May, approval of Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic fell by 2 percent among respondents, and his handling of the economy fell by a whopping 22 percent. The president’s handling of foreign policy, amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, fell by 13 percent in March.

The president’s job approval in Arizona aligns with Biden’s national approval rating, which was at just 39 percent in a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey. That survey also found that if the 2024 presidential election were held right now, former President Trump would receive 47 percent support and Biden would receive 41 percent.

Biden won the state by just over 11,000 votes in 2020.

This Arizona Public Opinion Pulse (AZPOP) surveyed 753 Arizona registered voters and was conducted from March 7-15. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 percentage points.