Trump faces pressure to fulfill his campaign promises
President-elect Donald Trump won over millions of Americans with promises of change and even some controversial proposals.
Now, Trump will be under pressure over the next four years to follow through on many of the promises he’s made since his June 2015 entry into the race — especially in the first 100 days of his administration.
{mosads}From building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border to repealing and replacing ObamaCare, here’s a list of campaign promises:
Trump vowed to protect Americans’ Second Amendment rights. At a January rally, he called for the elimination of gun-free zones and said he would sign that on his first day in office.
In May, he appeared to soften that position and clarified that he doesn’t want firearms in every classroom, with the exception of some trained teachers.
The businessman has vowed to undo all of President Obama’s “illegal and overreaching” executive orders and that includes his executive action from January to reduce gun violence.
One of the strongest pillars in Trump’s platform was building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Every rally was filled with chants of “Build that wall!” and Trump reassured Americans that Mexico would fund its construction despite the Mexican president’s opposition to that.
Trump once called for a deportation force to remove the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., but helater shifted to prioritize kicking out those who have committed crimes.
The businessman has vowed to ax the president’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which permits children who came with undocumented immigrants after 2007 at the age of 16 or younger could remain in the country and receive two-year work permits.
Hillary Clinton
Trump has repeatedly called for a special prosecutor to further investigate Clinton’s private email server during her time at the State Department. “Lock her up” chants erupted at every rally in the final months of the campaign.
But Trump already sounds like he’s starting to soften on that pledge and said in a Friday interview with the Wall Street Journal that he hasn’t considered jailing Clinton since winning the election.
Supreme Court
Trump wants to appoint someone in the mold of the late Antonin Scalia to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court. He released an initial list of 11 Supreme Court picks with the help of the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation. And in late September, he added 10 more names.
Health care
Repealing and replacing ObamaCare is a top priority for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has discussed putting it “high on the agenda” with an all-Republican Congress.
The president-elect has so far offered little insight into a replacement plan, but he supports Americans being able to purchase health insurance across state lines.
But in a Wall Street Journal interview on Friday, Trump signaled that he’s open to keeping parts of the law intact after his meeting with Obama. Those include the two provisions that protect those with preexisting conditions and permitting young people to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26.
Reproductive rights
Trump wants to defund Planned Parenthood if the women’s health organization continues to practice abortions.
He made waves earlier this year when saying women should be punished for receiving abortions if they was outlawed. He quickly clarified, saying only abortion providers would be punished for performing the procedure if it was illegal.
Trump has been a vocal opponent of Common Core, the education standards that most states have adopted. He also supports school choice and has said that the Department of Education can be “largely eliminated.”
Trump doesn’t believe in climate change and has called to “cancel” the Paris climate deal that was ratified ahead of the presidential election. He has also called for abolishing the Environmental Protection Agency and ending the agency’s Clean Power Plan.
The real estate mogul appealed to voters in rural areas that have seen losses in manufacturing and declines in the coal industry. He has vowed to bring back “clean” coal jobs.
Trump railed against international trade deals as one of his main campaign messages. He vowed to renegotiate or withdraw from NAFTA and withdraw from Obama’s signature trade accord, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told labor leaders following the election that TPP is essentially dead.
Ethics reform
In the final month of the race, Trump debuted a new campaign slogan, “Drain the swamp.” He trumpeted an ethics reform plan he believed could bring change to Washington.
He introduced a new lobbying proposal that most notably reinstates a ban on executive branch officials from lobbying the government five years after leaving office and asks Congress to pass a similar ban on former lawmakers and staff.
The plan calls for prohibiting registered foreign lobbyist from raising money in U.S. elections. He also called for term limits for all members of Congress.
Trump has promised to maintain the country’s strong alliance with Israel and since his White House victory, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu accepted an offer to meet him in the U.S.
During his campaign, he called for moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and cutting off funds to the United Nation’s Human Rights Council because of its treatment of Israel.
Trump has also called the Iran nuclear deal “disastrous” and promises to dismantle it when taking office.
Trump has called for the revitalization of the country’s crumbling infrastructure. His plan includes a $1 trillion of infrastructure investment over a decade. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) signaled Democrats’ willingness to work with Trump on this issue.
Interrogation methods
Trump has had strong rhetoric when it comes to terrorism and specifically defeating the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He has doubled down on waterboarding as an interrogation methodeven though retired military leaders have pushed back on this practice since it is banned by international law.
Muslim ban/refugees
Trump drew sharp criticism for proposing late last year a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the country following several terrorist attacks. He has also called for the surveillance of mosques. He later softened his stance to propose banning those from “terror states.”
It seemed like Trump was already waffling when the temporary ban was briefly removed from his campaign website, but it was quickly added back on Thursday and a Trump spokesman said it was the result of a technical issue.
Child care
Alongside his eldest daughter Ivanka, Trump introduced a child care plan, which separates him from most Republicans. The proposal calls for all women to receive six weeks of paidmaternity leave and tax breaks for child care. It doesn’t address whether the plan would apply to fathers or to parents in same-sex couples.
Minimum wage
Trump has had varying opinions on minimum wage. Last year, he argued that wages are “too high.” But in a reversal from May, he said hewas open to raising it, and a few months later, called on Congress to increase it to $10 an hour.
Trump has criticized the state of the military and questioned the knowledge of generals in the fight against terrorism. His plan includes the expansion of every military branch: 540,000 troops in the Army, 36 Marine Corps battalions, 350 surface ships and submarines in the Navy, and 1,200 Air Force fighter planes. He also wants to end caps on the military’s budget.
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