
New Hampshire New Members 2019

Rep.-elect Chris Pappas (D-N.H.-01)

DATE OF BIRTH: June 4, 1980
RESIDENCE:  Manchester, N.H.
OCCUPATION: Business owner
EDUCATION: B.A., Harvard College
FAMILY: Single

Chris Pappas survived a packed Democratic primary fight and a hotly contested general election in a swing district that voted for Trump to win election to Congress.

Now he’s making history as New Hampshire’s first openly gay congressman.

Pappas will represent the state’s 1st District, a seat held by retiring Democratic Rep. Carol Shea-Porter. 

Born and raised in Manchester, N.H., Pappas returned to the city after graduating from Harvard College in 2002. He is the fourth generation of his family to run the Puritan Backroom Restaurant in the city. The restaurant, a popular stop for presidential contenders, claims to have invented chicken tenders.

Pappas got his start in politics at a young age, winning his first race for state representative at 22. Since then, he’s also won election to be treasurer for Hillsborough County and later won election to the New Hampshire Executive Council. The powerful board of directors approves all state contracts and the governor’s nominees.