
Internal poll shows Andy Kim with big NJ lead; Menendez at just 3 percent

Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.)
Greg Nash
Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.) is seen during a press conference on Thursday, January 26, 2023 to introduce the Congressional Dads Caucus. (Greg Nash)

Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.) released an internal poll Tuesday that shows him with a large lead in the New Jersey Senate primary against the state’s first lady Tammy Murphy and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.).

The South Jersey congressman leads Murphy 45 percent to 22 percent among likely primary voters, according to the poll, which was first reported by The New Jersey Globe. Menendez garnered just 3 percent support in the poll.

Kim was the first New Jersey Democrat to call on Menendez to resign after he was indicted on corruption charges in September, and launched an unplanned Senate challenge against him the next day. 

Murphy, the wife of Gov. Phil Murphy (D), launched her Senate bid last month and gained the support of influential establishment figures.

Both candidates are popular among New Jersey Democrats, with each candidate holding double-digit net favorability ratings. Kim boasts a +35 net rating, per his campaign’s poll, while Murphy stands at +17, with about half of voters not familiar enough with each to make a determination.

Kim holds a significant lead against Murphy in multiple demographic categories, according to the poll, including a 42-point lead among progressives and a 19-point lead among moderates. He also has a 17-point lead among women respondents.

“I’ve never seen this kind of energy in New Jersey that I’m seeing now on the campaign trail. Voters are fed up with usual Jersey politics and are hungry for a change,” Kim said in a statement. “People are coming out in droves all over New Jersey to join us because they want an experienced public servant that will represent them with integrity through these challenging times.”

A previous Kim campaign poll from last month found the congressman with 40 percent support compared to Murphy’s 21 percent, and Menendez at 5 percent. 

Menendez’s job approval has plummeted since he and his wife were indicted on allegations they accepted bribes. According to prosecutors, the couple accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and gifts in exchange for political favors to interests in Egypt.

Dozens of Democrats across the country have called on Menendez to step down, which he has refused to do. He has denied wrongdoing.

The internal poll surveyed 1,040 likely New Jersey Democratic voters earlier this month, with a margin of error of 3 percent.

The New Jersey Democratic primary is set for June 4.

Tags 2024 new jersey senate race Andy Kim Bob Menendez Menendez indictment New Jersey Senate race Phil Murphy Tammy Murphy

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