
Williamson supporter registers super PAC to boost long-shot Biden challenge

A brand-new super PAC supporting Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson was registered Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission. 

The super PAC, dubbed We The People 2024, will back Williamson in the 2024 cycle, according to Kathleen Scaman, the PAC’s treasurer, who confirmed the group’s plans to The Hill. 

The creation of the group comes as Williamson’s campaign has been hit with financial struggles. The candidate also faced speculation that she could soon be ending her White House bid after a disappointing showing in the New Hampshire primary, where she trailed both President Biden and Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.).  

Last week, a discussion with volunteers in which she considered the possibility of dropping out of the race was leaked to the media, leading Williamson to reiterate that she was staying in the race.

“I have NOT said I am suspending the campaign; I have simply shared the questions involved, which any candidacy would be dealing with,” Williamson wrote Thursday night

Williamson’s campaign finished with just $101,000 in cash on hand during the third fundraising quarter. 

Scaman, who launched the new super PAC, said she is a longtime reader of Williamson.

“I’ve read many of her books, and she has transformed my life,” Scaman told The Hill on Tuesday. “And I’ve been happy in a very emotional, spiritual healing way for five years. I dedicate everything I do for this endeavor to her. It’s a way of giving back and also healing the United States, like something I can do for my country.” 

Williamson, who ran for president in 2020, has written 14 books as of 2019, with at least seven appearing on The New York Times bestseller list. 

Scaman said she will be hiring consultants and that she plans to run 15-second ads in support of Williamson to bolster the candidate’s name recognition. 

“My whole thing is to get her name up there,” Scaman said. “Get her bio up there. And her platform and her quotes from some of her books about politics, particularly ‘A Politics of Love,’ that will show people she’s been a political activist for 40 years. People don’t know that about her.” 

“A Politics of Love: A Handbook for a New American Revolution” was written by Williamson and released in 2019. 

“This is something I can do for my country, do for her,” Scaman said. “And it’s out of love because love can heal economic injustice and disparity in the middle class. I believe everything she says, her whole platform. I firmly believe it.” 

The Hill has reached out to Williamson’s campaign for comment.