
51 percent in new survey say Trump conviction of ‘serious crime’ would be ‘fair outcome’

More than half of U.S. voters surveyed say if former President Trump were to be convicted of a “serious crime,” that would be a “fair outcome,” according to a poll released Thursday.

In the new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, 51 percent of registered voters say a conviction of a “serious crime” would be a “fair outcome meant to hold him accountable for his actions,” compared to 38 percent who say it would be an “unfair outcome meant to damage him politically.”

More than half, 53 percent, say if Trump is convicted of such a crime, he “should not be allowed” to serve as president again, compared to 37 percent who say he should be allowed.

The poll found a significant partisan split. Among Republicans and Republican-leaning voters, 72 percent say that any conviction would be “an unfair outcome meant to damage him politically.”

Slightly fewer — 68 percent — say Trump should still be allowed to serve as president if convicted of a crime.

Notably, a significant share of the respondents were unaware of the alleged crimes for which Trump faces four indictments, for a total of 91 felony charges.

Respondents were asked to indicate for which crimes they think Trump has been indicted. The poll found they were most likely to say correctly that he was indicted for allegedly “taking highly classified documents from the White House and obstructing efforts to retrieve them,” with 58 percent saying so.

The indictment related to Trump’s efforts to obstruct the certification of the 2020 election, meanwhile, was least familiar to respondents: Only about half correctly said he was indicted for “attempting to obstruct the certification of a presidential election.”

The YouGov poll was conducted from Jan. 25-29 among 1,594 adults, with a margin of error of 2.7 percentage points.