
Poll: Biden leads 2020 Democrats in Nevada

A Fox News poll released Friday shows that former Vice President Joe Biden has a 6 point lead over Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in Nevada.

Among Democratic voters in the state, 24 percent picked Biden, while Warren and Sanders both came in at 18 percent. Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., was fourth with 8 percent.

Sanders led the way with the strongest Latino support with 31 percent, followed by Biden at 24 percent and then Warren at 10 percent.

With white voters, the splits were closer, as Biden gathered 23 percent, Warren 21 percent, Sanders 13 percent and Buttigieg 12 percent.

Nevada’s Feb. 22 primary is 100 days away, following Iowa and New Hampshire.

The poll was conducted Nov. 10-13 and took data from 1,506 Nevada voters. Interviews were conducted on both landline and cellphones. The margin of error for the poll was 2.5 percentage points for all voters and 4 points for Democratic voters.