President Trump could face prosecution after leaving office, former Vice President Joe Biden said during Wednesday’s debate.
Biden said he would not direct his Justice Department “like this president does” if he wins in 2020.
“I would let them make an independent judgement,” he said, adding that it is not the role of the president or the “president’s attorney [but] it’s the role of the attorney general.”
“If that was the judgement, that he violated the law and he should be criminally prosecuted, so be it,” Biden added.
It’s not the first time Biden has said he would leave open the possibility of Trump’s prosecution; he reportedly made similar comments in July after former special counsel Robert Mueller testified before Congress on his investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
Biden’s July remarks were made at an NAACP presidential candidate forum in Detroit, reports.
House Democrats are investigating whether Trump sought to use a White House meeting and security assistance in order to pressure Ukraine to pursue investigations that could benefit the president politically.
Trump has denied wrongdoing.
U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testified Wednesday as part of the impeachment inquiry that there was a clear quid pro quo deal.