
Trump touts ‘great relationship’ with GOP members of Congress

Former President Trump speaks with reporters at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, June 13, 2024, in Washington.

Former President Trump touted that he has a “great relationship” with Republican members of Congress following meetings he held on Capitol Hill with GOP representatives and senators. 

Trump said in brief remarks to reporters following those meetings that he and the Republican lawmakers agree on “just about everything” and “work out” what they differ on. 

“I’ve had a great relationship with just about everybody here, with everybody here, just about all of the senators, and if it wasn’t fantastic, it gets worked out,” he said. 

Trump met with House members in the morning and senators in the afternoon Thursday in his first time visiting Capitol Hill since the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Those who were present in the meetings have said the focus was on unity and the need to “vote for the team.” 

Notably, the meetings included a few Republicans who have previously criticized the former president, like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Mitt Romney (Utah). 

McConnell sharply criticized Trump in the aftermath of the Capitol riot as responsible for provoking the attack, and Cassidy and Romney both voted to convict Trump in his second impeachment trial accusing him of inciting the insurrection. 

The Senate Republican leader has since endorsed Trump and said he would vote for him in 2024, while Cassidy and Romney have indicated they will not support Trump. 

But the overwhelming majority of the GOP in the House and Senate, including senators who were present with Trump during his remarks, are behind Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee. 

Trump said his meeting with the Senate was “great” and the GOP has “tremendous unity” and “common sense.” He said the meeting with the House showed the same unity. 

“We have one thing in mind, and that’s making our country great,” he said.