
Biden holds 14-point lead over Trump nationally: poll

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden holds a 14-point lead over President Trump, the latest New York Times/Siena College national poll finds.

Half of all respondents said that they would vote for the former vice president, while 36 percent said they’d vote for Trump.

Biden has a significant lead over Trump with Black and Hispanic voters, pollsters noted. He has 74-point lead among Black voters and a 39-point lead among Hispanic voters.

Biden also leads Trump among white women with college degrees by 39 points. The Times notes that in the 2016 election, exit polls found that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton only had a 7-point lead over Trump with the bloc. 

With white voters without college degrees, Trump has a 19-point advantage over Biden, but just a 1-point lead with white voters overall.

Additionally, 50 percent of respondents approved of Trump in terms of the economy, while 45 percent disapproved.

The president has struggled in the polls the past three months, facing mounting criticism over his response to the coronavirus pandemic and his handling of the continuing nationwide protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the end of May.

The poll, which was conducted June 17-22, surveyed 1,337 registered voters and has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.