
Nonprofit launches first anti-Trump TV ad targeting progressives

Vote Him Out Inc., a nonprofit group focused on bringing out progressive voters for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, will air its first television ad immediately before President Trump’s Thursday night speech closing out the Republican National Convention.

The 30-second ad, titled “What if?,” will highlight aspects of Trump that have been common targets for progressives, such as his stance on abortion access and comments on race relations. 

The clip then tells viewers to “vote early, vote absentee, vote in person — just vote.”

“We’re focused on getting progressive voters excited about the Biden-Harris ticket,” said Gregg Schoenberg, a spokesperson for the group. “And once they’re informed and they understand what’s at stake, we feel very confident that we’re going to be able to turn them out, or we’re going to be able to help turn them.”

Their push to bring out progressive voters comes after the Democratic National Convention last week highlighted several prominent Republicans, including former Ohio Gov. John Kasich. 

Schoenberg said Democrats run the risk of taking progressive voters who may have supported Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) during the primary for granted. 

“We are trying to frame this out where we would make folks realize that economic justice, racial justice, all these things are the line,” Schoenberg said. ”And maybe you wanted Bernie or Warren or whomever but this is the guy who won the nomination and it is important that you not just root for them but actually vote.”

The dark money group plans to raise $1 million before November and is seeking to energize progressive voters primarily through ads attacking Trump on digital platforms.  

In another 15-second ad the group accused Trump of encouraging violence and “racist attacks,” featuring images of two people who were shot and killed during protests in Kenosha, Wis., on Tuesday. 

The demonstrators were protesting the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black man who was entering his vehicle before a Kenosha police officer shot him seven times.