
Lincoln Project ramps up Latino outreach

The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump GOP group pouring millions into the presidential election, is beefing up its Hispanic outreach in swing states. 

“The Hispanic community has grown tired of the President’s mistreatment, rhetoric and lies, particularly when it comes to Latinos,” Mike Madrid, co-founder of The Lincoln Project, said in a statement announcing the organization’s Hispanic Steering Committee. 

Latinos make up a significant portion of the population in several key swing states. A recent poll by Equis Research showed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading among Latinos in Arizona, Florida and Nevada, though President Trump has made inroads with a certain share of Latinos. 

“We expect Hispanic communities in Florida, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and beyond will make their voices heard this year and be a deciding factor in making Trump a one-term President and replacing him with leadership that values equity, equality, and the beautiful diversity of this country,” Madrid said. 

The Lincoln Project’s Hispanic Steering Committee includes George W. Bush administration and campaign alumni, such as former U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin and Abel Guerra. It also includes Jacob Monty, a Republican donor who was part of the Trump Hispanic Task Force in 2016 supporting Trump and several former Florida lawmakers. 

“Latinos, like the rest of our great nation, are suffering under Donald Trump,” Marin said in a statement. “We need a President, who truly understands our plight, our hopes and our fears, and won’t use them to further divide our country and sow chaos in our midst, but will help heal our nation and return decency and morality to the office of the President.” 

The Lincoln Project is also teaming up with groups such as Mi Familia Vota and the League of United Latin American Citizens, the group told Newsweek.

They’re working with those groups to create digital ads targeting Latinos, such as one released on Tuesday that highlights positive things past presidents have said about the Latino community. 

“This man is not like the presidents we knew and trusted,” the ad says, showing images and footage of Trump. “This man is not making America great again, especially not for Latinos.”