
Democrats have raised more than $300M since Ginsburg’s death

Democrats have raised more than $300 million in small-dollar donations for candidates and progressive causes since Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, an ActBlue spokesperson told The Hill on Monday.

ActBlue had already announced that Democratic candidates had received more than $91 million in 28 hours after the Supreme Court announced Ginsburg’s death on Sept. 18. 

Swing Left, a Democratic group that aims to flip the Senate to Democratic control, told The Hill that it has raised more than $2.6 million for Senate candidates and more than $1.7 million for state legislative races since Ginsburg’s passing.

The group says that, for the entire election cycle, it has raised more than $18 million from grassroots donors.

Catherine Vaughan, the co-executive director of Swing Left, told CNN that donations usually ramp up closer to Election Day, but the justice’s death sparked a flood of contributions. 

GiveGreen, an organization that supports environmentally friendly candidates, confirmed to The Hill that it has received more than $37 million to support its candidates as of Monday morning. More than $18 million is designated for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign, and more than $12 million is marked for House and Senate races. 

In 2016, GiveGreen said it raised $8 million, less than a fourth of this year’s total. 

ActBlue reported record donations — $6.3 million in one hour and $70.6 million in one day — following Ginsburg’s death. The previous hourly record reached slightly more than $4 million, and the previous daily record hit $42 million.

—Updated Tuesday at 3:35 p.m.