
Whip List on House GOP border bill

House Republicans are attempting to pass legislation to address the border crisis, but it remains to be seen if they have the votes.
Democratic leaders are whipping against the measure, though at least a handful of Democrats are expected to back it. Still, Republicans must minimize defections, and if there are more than two dozen, the legislation could fall short. Tea Party Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is urging House Republicans to oppose the bill.

Lacking the votes, House Republican leaders on Wednesday night shifted strategy, seeking two votes on their $659 million border bill as well as legislation that would curtail President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The following is a rundown of where members stand on the bill. A vote is expected Thursday.

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LAST UPDATED ON 7/31/14 at 10:46 a.m.



No or Leaning No (10)

Kerry Bentivolio (Mich.) — Will vote no. Bentivolio is facing a tough primary.
Mo Brooks (Ala.)
Paul Broun (Ga.) — Now leaning no after leaning yes earlier in the week.
John Fleming (La.)
Louie Gohmert (Texas)
Paul Gosar (Ariz.) — Told The Hill he is leaning no.
Tim Huelskamp (Kan.)
Walter Jones (N.C.)
Steve King (Iowa) — A firm no.
Randy Weber (Texas)

Undecided/Unclear (5)

Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.) — Among House Republicans who huddled with Cruz on Wednesday night.
Jim Bridenstine (Okla.) — Among House Republicans who huddled with Cruz on Wednesday night.
Trent Franks (Ariz.)
Scott Garrett (N.J.)
Randy Neugebauer (Texas) — Among House Republicans who huddled with Cruz on Wednesday night.

Key conservatives leaning yes or yes (7)

Paul Broun (Ga.)
Andy Harris (Md.)
Raul Labrador (Idaho) — Leaning yes.
Kenny Marchant (Texas)
Mick Mulvaney (S.C.)
Matt Salmon (Ariz.) — Told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd he is a firm yes. Salmon has been a thorn in leadership’s side, but was a member of the House GOP working group on the border bill.
Rep. David Schweikert (Ariz.) — Leaning yes.


Yes or leaning yes (1)

Henry Cuellar (Texas) — Will back supplemental bill, but does not favor DACA policy change.

Undecided/No Comment (10)

Ron Barber (Ariz.) — Vulnerable Dem says he is still studying the bill and won’t announce his vote in advance. Barber backed Cuellar bill on policy changes to border law.
John Barrow (Ga.) — Republicans are targeting Barrow this fall.
Sanford Bishop (Ga.) — Undecided, but “leaning against.”
Sean Maloney (N.Y.) — Undecided.
Jim Matheson (Utah)
Mike McIntyre (N.C.)
Collin Peterson (Minn.) — GOP target hasn’t said which way he’ll vote. Peterson co-sponsored Cuellar measure.
Kurt Schrader (Ore.) — Will announce his position before the vote.
David Scott (Ga.) — Wants “to sleep on it.”
Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.)


Key Democrats to vote no or leaning no (2)

Bill Foster (Ill.)
Steven Horsford (Nev.) — Leaning no because “the bill does not provide sufficient due process protections and doesn’t do enough to address the crisis at the border,” according to his office.






— Mike Lillis, Cristina Marcos, Peter Schroeder, Alexander Bolton and Tomas Navia contributed.