
Female Dem lawmaker posts video of GOP chairman ‘mansplaining’ bill to her

A female lawmaker has called out a male colleague for “mansplaining” a bill to her.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) on Wednesday posted a video on Twitter of Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) discussing a bill during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, in which he refers to Jayapal as “the gentle lady from Washington” and refers to her “naiveté” as a new member.


“Amendments have consequences, and what I find a little bit frightening about this amendment is the naiveté of the gentle lady from Washington,” Issa said in the video, discussing proposed amendments to the Agricultural Guestworker Act, which would allow Americans to contract with foreign workers in the agricultural sector.

Jayapal responds in the video, defending her support of an amendment that would cap the number of guest workers at 450,000.

“If that is naive, as my distinguished colleague from California suggests, then perhaps we should all go back to being naïve and actually fight for our constituents and fight for the rights that make this country great,” Jayapal said. 

– Updated at 5:22 p.m.