
Ted Lieu to Trump administration: ‘End your #BabyJails’

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) told the Trump administration on Wednesday that it should end its policy of separating migrant children from their parents.

“End your #BabyJails. Reverse your evil policy of ripping toddlers away from their mothers & fathers,” Lieu wrote in a tweet directed at Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

Lieu also pointed out that, having served in the military, he understood that the U.S. had “serious threats” but said that “babies are not one of them.”


In April, the Trump administration announced a “zero-tolerance” immigration policy that led the federal government to aggressively prosecute migrants caught trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally. The policy has left roughly 2,000 minors separated from their parents or guardians, who were required to be prosecuted separately.

In announcing the policy, Attorney General Jeff Sessions admitted it would lead to more family separations and said it would work to deter future migrants from attempting to cross the southern border.

President Trump has falsely blamed Democrats for the policy while his administration continues to defend it by arguing they are enforcing the law.

Trump met with Congressional Republicans on Tuesday to discuss new policy to end the separation of families even though his administration has the power to stop the practice.

During the meeting, Trump urged House Republicans to pass an immigration bill he can sign and told them he would stand with them “1,000 percent” in their attempt to pass legislation that would meet his demands.