
Image of Pelosi leaving an exploding White House projected onto California federal building

An image of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) putting on sunglasses as she leaves an exploding White House was projected onto the front of a federal building in San Francisco on Wednesday night.

The image was projected after she had a contentious meeting with President Trump in the Oval Office on Tuesday along with Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.).

Trump met with the two top Democrats to discuss funding the government and threatened a partial shutdown unless Congress authorized money to build his border wall.

The image of Pelosi quickly began circulating on social media. Writer Andrew Bradley told The Hill that he created the image by superimposing Pelosi’s picture with the watercolor by Tom Freeman titled “The Burning of the White House, 1814.”

Other projections read “Big Nancy Energy.”

Activist and writer Alan Marling took credit for the projections in a statement to The Hill, writing that he uses the displays as an expression of free speech.

“Painting with light allows for resistant art to portray current events,” Marling said. “This week I was inspired by Nancy Pelosi’s firmness in the face of Donald’s raving racism, and so I projected a few of the memes honoring her.”

Marling is one of the collaborators of a progressive group called Resistance SF, which is known for using light displays as a form of protest.

“You may have noticed we are more progressive than the average Democratic, but f—!” Resistance SF wrote on Facebook. “If Nancy Pelosi uses her [Big Nancy Energy] to create a select committee to draft the #GreenNewDeal, we’ll be #TeamPelosi for life. Call her right now and say we need the Green New Deal.”

“I hope Nancy Pelosi will use her powers of Speaker of the House to create a select committee to draft the Green New Deal,” Marling said. “Nothing less will adequately address the national security threat our nation faces due to climate change.”

Nearly 300 protesters with Sunrise Movement Bay Area blocked the entrances to the federal building on Tuesday in an effort to pressure Pelosi to support the measure, CBS San Francisco reported.

The demonstration followed a sit-in organized by the same group inside Pelosi’s office in Washington, D.C., in which Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) participated.

The incoming congresswoman has been leading the call for the creation of a climate change committee and a “Green New Deal.”

Resistance SF has also protested against the Trump administration. “Shithole President” and “Abolish ICE” was projected on the building over the summer to protest Trump’s immigration policies.

The words “Traitor Trump” and “#LockHimUp” were also projected onto the building after Trump held a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

Resistance SF also took their projections to Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters and called on the site to ban Trump after he threatened North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by referencing the size of his “nuclear button” in January.