
Boebert blasts spending deal as ‘Pelosi-Esque’

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) blasted the short-term spending bill passed Thursday to keep the government funded through March as a “Pelosi-Esque” deal.

The House approved the two-step continuing resolution (CR) in a 314-108 vote just hours after the Senate approved the measure.

Boebert was one of the Republicans in opposition of the bill and released a statement Thursday evening saying the CR is a “slap in the face” to Americans and attacked President Biden and Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).  

“Nancy Pelosi would be proud of this reckless, bloated spending bill that ensures federal spending remains at the levels she set during her reign as Speaker,” Boebert’s statement said.

The measure extends government funding deadlines to March 1 and March 8, buying Congress more time to finish the formal appropriations process. It is the third time that Congress has passed a short-term spending bill since last July, as lawmakers continue to disagree about how to fund the government.

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Boebert, who was elected in 2020 and oversees Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, said her constituents are struggling to deal with the effects of “Joe Biden and the Swamp’s inflationary spending.”

“I didn’t run for Congress to stand by and watch out-of-touch politicians continue to sell out America,” her statement said. “Rather than reining in the Swamp and clawing back wasteful federal spending, the CR kicks the can down the road and fails to make the necessary cuts that will prevent future generations from being saddled with mountains of debt.”

Tags boebert Colorado continuing resolution government shutdown Hunter Biden Joe Biden Lauren Boebert Nancy Pelosi Pelosi spending deal spending deal

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