
Maxine Waters blasts Trump as ‘mafia boss’ over Stone case

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) on Tuesday called President Trump a “mafia boss” after the Justice Department lowered the sentencing recommendation for his associate Roger Stone. 

The California Democrat alleged the president is using Attorney General Bill Barr to “get his criminal friends out of jail,” calling that “the tip of the iceberg.” She suggested Trump will grant clemency to former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, in addition to Stone. 

“Trump will pardon Flynn, Manafort, & Stone b/c the GOP cowards in the Sen bowed to his feet,” she posted. “Repubs now stand for crime, corruption, autocracy, & Russia! They are PATHETIC!” 

Waters also referenced the emergency meeting with independent Federal Judges Association planned for Wednesday to “talk about the danger to our country.”

“The judges know what Barr did is not ordinary. Stay tuned for meeting & whether the judges release an opinion!” she tweeted.

“Trump doesn’t seem to care that it’s rumored he has mafia associations, but he sure acts like a mafia boss!” she added. 

Waters also cited the letter signed by more than 2,000 former Justice Department officials who called on Barr to resign amid the Stone scandal.

The Federal Judges Association scheduled a meeting regarding the Justice Department’s actions, with its president, U.S. District Judge Cynthia Rufe, saying it “could not wait” until the spring conference. 

Prosecutors originally suggested that Stone, a longtime ally of Trump’s, serve a seven to nine year sentence after being convicted of lying to Congress and witness tampering. But the department intervened, saying it requested a “far less” sentence after Trump tweeted that the proposed sentence was unfair. 

The Justice Department’s involvement has prompted several Democrats to call for the attorney general’s resignation. 

Trump also granted presidential pardons to four individuals Tuesday: former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevic (D), former New York Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik, financier Michael Milken and former San Francisco 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo, Jr.