
Virginia county Republicans condemn GOP congressman for considering vote for Biden

A Virginia county Republican committee passed a resolution censuring Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.) on Saturday claiming he betrayed the party.

In its censure, the Appomattox County Republican Committee cited a multitude of issues they believe resulted in Riggleman “betraying the very morals, principals, and values of the Republican Party.”

The censure lists Riggleman’s officiating of a same-sex wedding, disagreeing with President Trump’s claims of voter fraud and publicly acknowledging President-elect Joe Biden beat Trump.

“Now may it be resolved that the Appomattox County Republican Committee censure Denver Riggleman for his betrayal to voters in the 5th District who elected him into office in the first place, for betraying the very morals, principals, and values of the Republican Party, for his petty, immoral, and ludicrous behavior before and after the 5th Congressional District Republican Convention, and for his open consideration to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden instead of President Donald J. Trump,” the statement read.

At yesterday afternoon’s business meeting, the Appomattox County Republican Committee unanimously passed this Resolution…

Posted by Appomattox County Republican Committee on Sunday, December 13, 2020

Riggleman said in November that he had been called a “traitor” for acknowledging Biden’s victory in the presidential election. He has been critical of other GOP members who have refused to do the same.

Riggleman lost his seat in the Republican primary this year to challenger Bob Good, who later went on to win against Democratic candidate Cameron Webb. Riggleman has criticized Good for spreading baseless claims of voter fraud in the presidential election.

Riggleman had raised concerns of his own over potential voter fraud in his own Republican primary, which Good has pointed out.

In a tweet shared on Sunday, Riggleman said, “Glad the @VA_GOP finally admits they rig a convention because of the wedding. We already knew this, but here’s your sign I believe in marriage equality and I despise conspiracy theories. I was also censured by the #Kraken because I thought it was #calamari.”