
Rep. Calvert says he tested positive for COVID-19

Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.) revealed Tuesday that he tested positive for COVID-19 late last month but has since recovered.

Calvert said that he has returned to Washington, D.C., after missing votes, including on the annual defense policy bill last week, while quarantining.

“I did experience symptoms, but am now back to full strength. Having been cleared to travel, I returned to DC yesterday. I regret missing votes during my quarantine, especially on passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, and I have inserted my views on all missed votes into the Congressional Record,” Calvert said in a statement.

Calvert is the 15th member of Congress since the start of November alone to have tested positive for COVID-19 as the nation experiences a spike in cases.

A total of 36 members of the House and Senate have tested positive for the virus since March, while several others have tested positive for antibodies or had presumed cases.

House Democratic leaders sent members home last week as they await a final deal on a spending package to keep the government funded past Friday and another round of coronavirus relief.

Lawmakers must pass a spending bill by Friday night to avoid a government shutdown, but it’s unclear when the House will be called back into session to vote. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has advised members that they won’t be called back to Washington until there is a deal to vote on.

Hoyer said earlier this month that he had hoped for Congress to finish its end-of-year work by Dec. 11 to give lawmakers enough time to quarantine from any potential COVID-19 exposure ahead of spending Christmas at home with their families.

But progress has moved slowly on coronavirus relief and the spending package, meaning that lawmakers have had to spend more time in Washington.