Boehner: Brown win in ‘bluest of blue states’ should be wake-up call for Dems

House Minority Leader John Boehner said on Saturday that GOP Sen.-elect Scott Brown’s unlikely win in Massachusetts, “the bluest of blue states,” should have been a wake-up call to Democrats that Americans have rejected the president’s agenda.

Boehner (R-Ohio) said that Republicans will be listening to hear whether Democratic leaders understood that message when President Barack Obama gives his second annual State of the Union address on Wednesday.

{mosads}“Maybe now, the hard work and entrepreneurship of the American people will no longer be stifled by Washington Democrats’ costly job-killing agenda, an agenda Republicans have stood on principle and fought tooth and nail against,” Boehner said in the weekly GOP radio address.

Obama is set to deliver the annual State of the Union speech on Wednesday from the Speaker’s dais in the House of Representatives.

In a matter of one week, there has been a political sea change in the nation’s capital city.

Joyful Republicans crowed last week when Brown defeated the would-be Democratic shoo-in for the special election to fill the seat of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.).

What had appeared to be a certainty less than one week ago, the passage of a massive healthcare reform package, became much less so when the Bay State elected a candidate who vowed to be the 41st vote necessary to filibuster a compromised healthcare bill should it make it to the Senate floor.

Despite Brown’s win however, Boehner pointed out that Democratic leaders on both ends of the Capitol have scrambled to strategize a way to move the bill approved on a party-line vote in the Senate last Christmas Eve.

The top-ranking House Republican said “we know that Washington Democrats will pull out all the stops to try and shove through this government takeover of healthcare, with its Medicare cuts and tax hikes. If there’s a sweetheart deal that needs to be cut, Democrats will cut it. And if there’s a vote that needs to be bought, they’ll buy it.”

But the upper chamber’s plan that does not contain a much-coveted public option from those on the left, nor language added to explicitly deny the funding of abortion services, left House leaders without the votes to move the Senate bill.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) conceded on Thursday that she doesn’t have the 218 votes needed in her caucus to approve the Senate bill, as is.

With talk that the Democrats intend to attempt moving parts of the plan that Republicans have dubbed “government-run healthcare,” Boehner was doubtful that the president would announce his intention to scrap his landmark legislation and start anew.

Democrats have criticized the Republicans for not putting forth their own robust redesigns of the failing healthcare system in the United States.

Boehner points out that the minority party has, in fact, offered an alternative. It includes recycled ideas such as purchasing health insurance across state lines, increasing association health plans and other solutions that do not involve government-mandated healthcare.

Republicans, however, Boehner especially, have pressed the president to focus on more job-creation policies that would spur small-business and jump-start the economy.

“President Obama and Democrat leaders in Washington now have a choice: work with Republicans to get our nation back on its feet, or double down on the job-killing policies that are making matters worse,” Boehner warned.

Many Democrats blame the current economic woes on legislation adopted during the six years of GOP rule during President George W. Bush’s administration, when Republicans ran Congress and the White House.

GOP lawmakers for the most part accept the blame for excessive spending and losing their way, but vow to have heard the message during the disastrous 2006 and 2008 elections, when they lost control of Congress by a large margin, as well as the White House.

Now it’s time to see whether the president also heard a similar message with Brown’s victory.

Tags Barack Obama Boehner John Boehner

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