
Trump attacks CNN president: ‘Little’ Jeff Zucker isn’t having much fun

President Trump attacked CNN President Jeff Zucker Tuesday morning on Twitter, mocking the media executive in an early-morning tweet claiming Zucker’s job is in “jeopardy.”

In the tweet, Trump attacked “low-ratings CNN” and insinuated that the news network will not hire a journalist unless they are “totally anti-Trump.”


“Check out the fact that you can’t get a job at ratings challenged @CNN unless you state that you are totally anti-Trump? Little Jeff Zuker [sic], whose job is in jeopardy, is not having much fun lately. They should clean up and strengthen CNN and get back to honest reporting!” the president tweeted.

“Once again, false,” CNN responded in a tweet.

“The personal political beliefs of CNN’s employees are of no interest to us. Their pursuit of the truth is our only concern. Also, Jeff’s last name is spelled Z-U-C-K-E-R. Those are the facts. #FactsFirst,” it added.

Trump frequently lashes out at CNN over the network’s coverage of his administration, which he claims is biased against him and riddled with falsehoods.

Trump has taken aim at the news network a number of times, including on Monday when the president took a shot at the network while defending Sinclair Broadcasting Group after its move to have its local news anchors warn of alleged bias in reporting by other media outlets.

“So funny to watch Fake News Networks, among the most dishonest groups of people I have ever dealt with, criticize Sinclair Broadcasting for being biased,” Trump tweeted Monday.

“Sinclair is far superior to CNN and even more Fake NBC, which is a total joke.”

This came after CNN first reported on Sinclair requiring its anchors to read the bias warnings.

Also on Monday, Trump’s 2020 campaign manager in a tweet called for CNN reporter Jim Acosta to have his credentials revoked after the correspondent questioned Trump during the White House Easter Egg Roll.

Brad Parscale shared an article from The Daily Caller, which reported that Acosta “yelled at Trump” during the event. 

Parscale said in his tweet that he thinks it is time for Acosta to “get a suspension for breaking protocol.”

“He continues to embarrass himself and @CNN,” Parscale wrote. “Pull his credentials for each incident.”

–This report was updated at 10:31 a.m.