
Fox News contributor falls out of chair while taking selfie with beer, Laura Ingraham on air

A Fox News contributor jokingly fell out of his chair on Friday night while trying to take a selfie with host Laura Ingraham and a six-pack of beer.

Raymond Arroyo appeared on the network Friday following news that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had secured enough votes necessary to be confirmed to the high court.

{mosads}The pair, however, were discussing the “selfie suicide movement” that has been developing over several years.

More than 250 people have died over the last seven years while trying to take risky selfies, according to a study by researchers from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences.

“OK, before I go,” Arroyo said, pulling out a six-pack of Bud Light beer. “I thought just to bring it all together, Laura.”

The beer appeared to be a nod toward Kavanaugh, who, during his testimony last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee about sexual assault allegations being levied against him, frequently described his penchant for beer.

“I like beer,” Ingraham said as Arroyo handed her a bottle.

Arroyo then brought out his phone to take a selfie, adjusting for the best angle.

“Go the edge,” Ingraham encouraged, before Arroyo fell out of his chair to the floor.

Ingraham then instantly transitioned into the next segment by turning toward the camera to discuss the American Civil Liberties Union’s anti-Kavanaugh campaign.

The host took to Twitter after the program to say Arroyo’s tumble was staged.

“For all of you concerned viewers, @RaymondArroyo’s fall during our Kavanaugh-Toast selfie was a JOKE … a pratfall after a long week. #laughter #selfiecide.”

Kavanaugh’s drinking habits have been the center of the investigation into sexual misconduct charges made against him by three women. 

“Yes, we drank beer,” Kavanaugh said during his testimony last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee. “My friends and I, the boys and girls. Yes, we drank beer. I liked beer. I still like beer. We drank beer.”

“We drank beer and I said sometimes — sometimes — probably had too many beers and sometimes other people had too many beers. We drink beer. We liked beer,” he later added.

Christine Blasey Ford, the first woman to publicly accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault, testified before the Senate panel last week, describing for senators in gripping detail how Kavanaugh allegedly pinned her to a bed and groped her during a summer party in the 1980s when they were both in high school.

Kavanaugh vehemently denied the allegations in his subsequent testimony.

Deborah Ramirez, the second woman to come forward with accusations against Kavanaugh, told The New Yorker that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a dorm party at Yale University in the 1980s.

A third woman, Julie Swetnick, claims that Kavanaugh attended a party where she was drugged with “quaaludes or something similar” and attacked by a series of men in a “gang rape.”

Kavanaugh has fiercely denied all allegations against him.

A group of protesters brought beer to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) house before a Friday vote to advance Kavanaugh’s nomination.  

Footage of the demonstration showed protesters waving beer cans and red cups as they marched toward the Kentucky Republican’s home, chanting and yelling phrases like, “chug, chug, chug” and “What do we do with a drunken justice?”

Kavanaugh is expected to be confirmed in Saturday’s vote.