
Yang: I’ve received about 12 apologies from media networks during campaign

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang told CBS “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert that he’s received about 12 apologies from media networks since launching his campaign.

Colbert noted that CNBC displayed the wrong photo of him on its “Squawk Box” program last week, with Redpoint Ventures founding partner Geoff Yang shown instead.

“Did they apologize to you?” Colbert asked.

“They had a public apology some number of hours later after it was called to their attention,” noted Andrew Yang, who has been repeatedly misidentified in or excluded from news reports during his campaign. “I think that’s about the 12th apology I’ve gotten from a media network.”

“And who is Geoff Yang?” Colbert followed up.

“Geoff Yang is a venture capitalist in California who is a very handsome man,” Yang joked.

Yang has repeatedly criticized the media for its coverage of his campaign.

In November, he boycotted MSNBC over what he argued was a coverage blackout against his campaign. The 44-year-old tech entrepreneur lifted the boycott in December and appeared on the network last month.

The 44-year-old is currently polling at 3.6 percent in the RealClearPolitics index of polls nationally.