
Al Jazeera launching conservative media platform

Al Jazeera is launching a new media platform geared toward conservatives in a move that’s reportedly designed to appeal to people in the center-right who say they can’t find mainstream sources that speak to them.

The platform known as Rightly will be led by Scott Norvell, a former News Corp. executive and Fox News president. Norvell confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday that he will be editor in chief.

Politico reported the platform’s launch earlier on Tuesday. Al Jazeera did not immediately comment on the launch of the new platform.

The first show, scheduled for Thursday, will be an opinion-led interview program called “Right Now with Stephen Kent,” according to Politico, and more content will be unveiled in the coming months.

Kent, who bills himself as a communications and public relations professional on his professional website, also hosts a podcast about politics and “Star Wars” called “Beltway Banthas.”

In a tweet Tuesday, Kent described the new outlet as “Somewhere between Dispatch, Reason and… Persuasion. My favorite newsletter.”

Al Jazeera, which is financially backed by the Qatari government, has had mixed success in its past U.S.-focused efforts. In 2013, the company launched an American-focused media brand by acquiring Al Gore’s Current TV for $500 million and rebranding it as Al Jazeera America. The effort was shuttered in January 2016 after struggling with poor ratings and staff discord.