Money on minds of Sunday’s show guests

Leading House Republicans will square off with the Obama
administration’s budget czar on Sunday’s talk shows as the president’s $410
billion omnibus spending bill teeters in the Senate amid GOP objections.

White House Budget Director Peter Orszag is scheduled to
sit down with Bob Schieffer, along with House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker, on CBS’s
“Face the Nation.”

{mosads}Orszag, the former director of the Congressional Budget
Office, before his meeting with Boehner is set to appear across the table from
GOP-stronghold House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (Va.) on CNN’s “State of the

The nation’s economy takes further front stage as
Democrat Sens. Evan Bayh (Ind.), a member of the Banking committee, and Claire
McCaskill (D- Mo.), a member of the Commerce committee, meet Sen. Richard
Shelby (R-Ala), ranking member of the Banking committee, on ABC’s “This Week.”
Thomas Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, will also discuss the economy with George Stephanopoulos.

Former Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain
(R-Ariz.), a vocal on-air critic this past week of earmarks in the omnibus spending bill, will meet Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, chairman of the Democratic National
Committee, on “Fox News Sunday.”

Meanwhile, McCain’s ally, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.),
sits down with David Gregory on NBC’s “Meet the Press” to discuss the economy
with Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), chairman of the Joint Economic committee.

On C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers,” Billy Tauzin, president & CEO of the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, will discuss his participation in the president’s health care summit.

Tags Boehner Chuck Schumer Eric Cantor John Boehner John McCain Lindsey Graham Tim Kaine

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