
Congressional approval drops even lower: Gallup

Congress’s approval rating has dropped to 18 percent, down from 25 percent in June, according to a monthly Gallup poll.

The last time congressional approval was that low was September 2019, the month Democrats launched their impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

Congressional approval this year reached a high in May at 31 percent, and began to dip from there as coronavirus cases in the country continue to surge while lawmakers struggle to negotiate additional stimulus legislation. 

Since May, congressional approval among Democrats has dropped from 39 percent to 20 percent, and among Republicans it dropped from 24 percent to 14 percent. 

Meanwhile, presidential approval has remained relatively unchanged since June, and is currently at 41 percent in the poll. That is still a dip from 49 percent earlier this year, after the Senate acquitted Trump on impeachment charges and before the pandemic took an economic toll. 

Among Democrats, 4 percent approve of the president and 91 percent of Republicans approve. The partisan gap in presidential approval is among the widest reported by Gallup, the polling organization said.

The Gallup poll was conducted July 1-23 among 1,007 adults and reported a margin of error of 4 percentage points.