Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, the only Republican to vote to convict President Trump on abuse of power during the impeachment trial this week, said he expects he’ll face “unimaginable” consequences for breaking with his party.
“I don’t know what they’ll be, there’s some I know,” Romney said in an interview released by New York Times’s “Daily” podcast Thursday, when asked what consequences he anticipates from the decision.
“I know they’ll be consequence and I just have to recognize that and do what you think is right,” Romney added.
Romney spoke with the Times on Wednesday morning, shortly before he announced his decision.
He said he hadn’t come to the conclusion until about the last day of questions and answers in the Senate trial.
“Not voting my conscience in order for me to have a better political and personal benefit would subject my own conscience to its censure,” Romney said, on his decision to break from his party.
“So I just, I don’t have a choice there. This for me is fundamental to my oath to God and fundamental to how our country must work, which is people have to be seen as honest in fulfilling the oath that they take,” he said.
However, Romney is already facing pushback from Trump and many of his GOP allies.
Trump tweeted early Thursday morning rebuking Romney for his vote in favor of removing the president from office.
“Had failed presidential candidate @MittRomney devoted the same energy and anger to defeating a faltering Barack Obama as he sanctimoniously does to me, he could have won the election,” Trump tweeted.
Trump has frequently hit Romney as a “failed candidate” throughout the two Republicans’ tumultuous history, dating back to Trump’s 2012 endorsement of Romney’s presidential campaign.
Trump also swiped at Romney on Thursday morning while speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast.
“I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” Trump said.