State Watch

Ferguson councilman beats St. Louis prosecutor who led investigation of Michael Brown shooting

A councilman from Ferguson, Mo., defeated St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch during Tuesday’s Democratic primary, according to The Associated Press.

The AP reported that Wesley Bell topped McCulloch by a 57 percent to 43 percent margin, marking an end to McCulloch’s seven-term career as a prosecutor.

{mosads}The news service notes that McCulloch gained national attention four years ago for his handling of the investigation into the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson. 

No Republicans are on the ballot in the race for St. Louis County prosecutor, meaning Bell is set to take the position after the November election. 

“People keep saying ‘you shocked the world,’ ” Bell said to a crowd at his watch party, according to a local CBS affiliate. “No, we shocked the world. People showed up and showed out.”

The AP notes that Bell, who was previously an attorney and former municipal judge, was elected councilman in 2015 as tensions continued to grow in Ferguson over Brown’s shooting. 

Many observers viewed the race between Bell and McCulloch as a referendum on the shooting and subsequent protests in Ferguson. It was the first time that McCulloch was challenged for his seat since Brown’s shooting, according to the AP. 

Bell’s campaign centered on changing the culture of the county prosecutor’s office, according to the news service.