State Watch

City council candidate loses race after tie is called with die toss 

An Arkansas city council candidate lost his chance to serve on the council after he lost a dice roll to break the tie.

Cliff Farmer rolled a “four” Thursday but was beat by incumbent Becky Linebaugh, who rolled a “six” to hold onto her seat for a third term, according to Reuters.

The two candidates rolled a dice to break a 223-223 tie from a Dec. 4 runoff election, according to the Lawrence County Clerk’s Office, which oversaw the dice roll.

{mosads}To make matters worse for Farmer, he twice showed up too late to vote for himself in the runoff election.

The first time, he tried to vote early but showed up to the polling location late because it had limited hours for early voting. The second time, he was returning from a trip on the day of the runoff and just missed the poll’s closing.

“I was about 30 minutes out of town when they called me with the election results,” he told the New York Times.

The dice rolling spectacle garnered little fanfare. About a dozen or so people gathered in the lobby of the local courthouse to watch the roll off, according to the Times. Farmer then shook Linebaugh’s hand and congratulated her.

A runoff was forced after none of the three candidates got a majority of the vote for city council member in Hoxie, a small town of 2,700 northeast of Little Rock.

“The main thing is for people to get out and vote,” Linebaugh told Reuters. “I early voted because I was afraid something might happen and I might not be able to make it to the election.”