State Watch

Minneapolis mayor on Floyd: ‘Ultimately his life will have bettered our city’

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey tweeted on Tuesday that George Floyd’s life “bettered our city” after former police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all three charges against him in the murder of Floyd.

“George Floyd came to Minneapolis to better his life. But ultimately his life will have bettered our city,” Frey tweeted. “The jury joined in a shared conviction that has animated Minneapolis for the last 11 months. They refused to look away and affirmed he should still be here today.”

Several people on Twitter criticized Frey’s statement as tone-deaf.

“Sometimes a turn of phrase that seems rhetorically clever on paper is actually pretty horrific when you truly think about what you are actually saying,” one commenter wrote.

Another commenter wrote, “George Floyd wasn’t a martyr. He didn’t ask to die, or welcome it. He was someone who was murdered by a cop.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) similarly made remarks on Tuesday that drew criticism online. During a speech she gave soon after the verdict was read, Pelosi thanked Floyd for “sacrificing your life for justice.”

Other prominent political figures have praised the jury’s decision. President Biden and Vice President Harris both called Floyd’s family soon after the verdict.

Former President Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama said in a statement that the “jury did the right thing.”

“Today, a jury did the right thing. But true justice requires much more,” the former president tweeted. “Michelle and I send our prayers to the Floyd family, and we stand with all those who are committed to guaranteeing every American the full measure of justice that George and so many others have been denied.”