Sunday Talk Shows

Homeland Security chairman: Chattanooga attack could happen ‘anywhere, anytime’

House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said on Sunday that the deadly attack on two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tenn., is the type that worries officials the most.

{mosads}McCaul said an intensive investigation is underway after Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez killed four Marines and a sailor last week.

“Well, the FBI is currently doing a forensics examination on his computer, his cell phone, his travels to Jordan, which is right across the border from Syria,” he said on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” “So we have the threat of foreign fighters, but we also have the threat over the Internet, which is a new sort of threat that’s out there, a new generation of terrorists … These Internet directives from a cyber command if you will out of Syria to activate people in the United States to attack.

“And what they are saying is attack military installations and attack police officers. And what we saw was one of the most deadliest attacks on American soil against our U.S. Marines and an American sailor,” he added. “And this is case that we’re most worried about.”

McCaul said investigations have “rolled up” Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) followers in 60 cases during the past year.

“We have investigations into all 50 states,” he added. “But what keeps us up at night are really the ones that we don’t know about. And I’m afraid that this case falls into that category.”

“If it can happen in Chattanooga, it can happen anywhere, anytime, anyplace, and that’s our biggest fear,” he said.