Sunday Talk Shows

Blumenthal: Midterms will determine how successful Biden will be as a 2024 candidate

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) addresses reporters after the weekly policy luncheon on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said on Sunday that November’s midterm elections will determine how successful President Biden will be as a candidate in 2024. 

During a joint appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” alongside Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), moderator Dana Bash asked Blumenthal if Biden is the best candidate for the Democrats in 2024.

“I’m gonna be very blunt and very honest with you,” Blumenthal replied to Bash. “My focus is totally on this November because I am running for reelection.”

“But also I think this November’s gonna determine how successful President Biden is in the next two years and how strong he would be as a candidate.” 

Blumenthal also stressed the need for more Democratic senators to pass Biden’s goals in the next two years on topics such as abortion and inflation, also pointing to the possibility of appointing more Supreme Court justices.

“We are making tremendous progress,” Blumenthal added. “The Inflation Reduction Act is one example. Veterans burn pits legislation, which I helped to lead. Very important.” 

Blumenthal’s remarks came after a 51-50 vote in the Senate on Saturday to advance the Inflation Reduction Act, with Vice President Harris breaking the deadlock.

The proposed legislation would address climate change issues, lower the cost of prescription drugs and reform the tax code.

Blumenthal added that he would support Biden if he decides to run for reelection.

“I will support President Biden,” Blumenthal said. 

“Do you want him to run?” Bash asked

“If he decides he wants to run and I think his decision will be determined by how November ends for the Democratic Party and for senators like myself who are running for reelection.”