
Hispanic Caucus formally endorses George Floyd Justice in Policing Act

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) on Tuesday announced its formal support for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, the Democrats’ police reform bill expected to pass the House this week.

The endorsement comes as the House moves forward on the Democratic proposal, which includes much stricter measures than the Justice Act, a Republican proposal put forth in the Senate by Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.).

“Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are proud to vote in solidarity with colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus and we will pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act this week,” CHC Chairman Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) said in a statement.

To win CHC endorsement, a bill must have the support of two-thirds of the 38 members of the caucus. CHC membership currently comprises 34 voting members in the House, two nonvoting delegates and two senators.

Democrats are eager to quickly and overwhelmingly pass their bill, while Senate Republicans seek to put their weight behind Scott’s bill.

“The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is a stark contrast to President Trump’s weak Executive Order and Senate Republicans’ toothless proposal, which both fall short of what is required to overcome the crises of racial injustice and police brutality. We need meaningful and enforceable national accountability standards to end police misconduct,” said Castro.

“This is a moment for bold action, not empty rhetoric — we must respond with real solutions to the anguish in our communities,” he added.

A major distinction between the two bills is the Democratic proposal to ban practices like chokeholds and some no-knock warrants, while the Republican bill would discourage the practices and threaten to tighten funds issued to law enforcement agencies that continue to use them.

“From banning chokeholds and stopping no-knock warrants to ending qualified immunity and mandating data collection, this bill will establish new standards for policing and root out racial injustice,” said Castro.

The George Floyd bill passed the House Judiciary Committee last week, and could be voted on by the House as early as Thursday.

The CHC’s move to quickly endorse the bill led by the Congressional Black Caucus is the latest in a series of joint actions taken by the minority caucuses, known collectively with the Congressional Asian and Pacific American Caucus as the Tri-Caucus.