
Bottom Line: Left-leaning nonprofit hires former Republican aide for abortion fight

A K St. banner is seen in downtown Washington, D.C., on Monday, January 30, 2023.


Forbes-Tate registered to lobby on the availability of Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs for the Hopewell Fund, describing the 501(c)(3)’s business activities as “​Preserving access to medication abortion care.”

The Hopewell Fund is a nonprofit managed by Arabella Advisors, a philanthropic services firm that has been described as the hub of a liberal “dark money” network for its role in steering large donations from individuals and nonprofits to various groups without disclosing those donors.

One of the lobbyists on the account is Jeff Strunk, the former deputy floor director to then-Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), while the other lobbyists previously worked for Democratic members of Congress.

Natural gas

Natural gas company Cheniere Energy hired Blank Rome Government Relations to lobby on language in Section 324 of the House Coast Guard authorization bill (H.R. 2741) that would give the Coast Guard authority to enact a risk-based inspection strategy for liquified natural gas tankers.

David Jansen, former staff director on the House Transportation Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, will work on the account.

Higher education

Utah Valley University hired Barker Leavitt to lobby on federal funding and issues impacting higher education. Ryan Leavitt, a Capitol Hill veteran whose resume includes stints as the legislative director to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and special assistant to Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), will work on the account.

Emergency services

The Arizona Fire & Medical Authority hired AZ DC Consulting to lobby for more funding for firehouses and other emergency response efforts. Allison Feikes, a former professional staff member on the Senate HELP Committee, will work on the account.

Farm Bill

The Midwest Dry Bean Coalition hired Combest, Sell & Associates to lobby on issues related to the farm bill and dry bean farmers. Tom Sell, former deputy chief of staff for the House Agriculture Committee, will work on the account.


The American Polymer Company hired Ballard Partners to lobby on issues related to broadband telecommunications network materials and equipment. Dane Eagle (R), the former Florida Secretary of Economic Opportunity and state House Majority Leader, will work on the account.