
Bottom Line: U.S. Performance Center eyes Defense Department funding opportunities

A K St. banner is seen in downtown Washington, D.C., on Monday, January 30, 2023.


Hartwell Capitol Consulting registered to lobby on behalf of the U.S. Performance Center, the Charlotte-based facility that hosts Olympic, military and other sport events and training. The center is hoping to drum up “[Department of Defense] support for the first ever World Military Games in the U.S.” and seeks federal funding for “specific sports performance and health care research and goals” as well as “programs, activities and facilities at our Charlotte UNC Campus,” according to the new registration. 

Ernie ​Gonzales, who spent more than 20 years with the Defense Department, will work on the account.


​The Business Roundtable hired CGCN Group to lobby on tax and trade issues, including the corporate tax rate, as Congress gears up for a fight over provisions in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that are set to expire next year. The lobbyist on the account is Tim ​Pataki, the former director of the Office of Public Liaison and special assistant to then-President Trump.


Thorsen French Advocacy registered to lobby on issues related to intellectual property, including patent, copyright and trademarks, on behalf of the ​Council for Innovation Promotion (C4IP). Two former staffers on the House Judiciary Committee, which oversees legal issues on a range of issues including intellectual property, will work on the account: James French, former counsel, and Ben Staub, a former professional staffer.


​LG Electronics USA hired Pioneer Public Affairs to lobby on issues related to energy, battery manufacturing, supply chains and the Inflation Reduction Act. Joseph ​Britton, former chief of staff to Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), will work on the account.


​The American Chamber of Commerce in Korea hired Crowell & Moring to lobby on issues related to trade between the U.S. and South Korea. Aaron ​Cummings, former chief of staff to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), will work on the account.