Fox News in HD also isn’t available to DirecTV’s 20 million subscribers. Those tuning to the channel are met with a message in English and Spanish stating, “We are experiencing temporary technical difficulties. Please stand by. We apologize for the inconvenience.”
The same issues happened periodically on Thursday, as well.
Both channels are available, however, in standard definition.
Fans of the networks went to Twitter to voice their displeasure and many have insinuated the disruption of service is somehow intentional.
“We’re experiencing technical difficulties impacting 8 HD channels, including CNN HD and FOX News HD, for our satellite customers,” AT&T, which owns DirecTV, said in a statement.
“These and most of the other channels are available in SD and via our streaming apps. Customers can learn how to unhide SD channels at We apologize for the inconvenience. We’re working to address the issues and will update accordingly.”