New Members Guide 2023

Congratulations on your 2022 election victory — and welcome to Capitol Hill.

Welcome, too, to The Hill newspaper, and Hill.TV.

The Hill is a nonpartisan, non-ideological daily newspaper that reports on all things political. It’s an indispensable read for anyone who needs to know what’s going on in the White House, Congress, in committees and on K Street.

It’s available anywhere — in print, on your computer, on your mobile devices. We invite you to make The Hill part of your daily routine.

We report and analyze the work of Congress as it legislates, appropriates funds and oversees the executive branch. That means covering the day-to-day developments and also getting beneath the surface to examine the forces shaping bills, the deals that sustain or kill legislation, and the tactics that get measures out of conference and to the president’s desk.

Hill.TV interviews the top policymakers in the nation’s capital on both sides of the aisle and both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Our Campaign section brings you comprehensive coverage of each election cycle, delves into key races, spots trends early and explains results.

Unlike others, The Hill reports on how Congress’s work affects the rest of the country. The Hill is the business newspaper for Congress, with an unmatched Business & Lobbying section.

Let me also draw your attention to, which includes everything in the paper and much more. Our policy verticals — including health care, finance, defense, technology, cybersecurity, national security and transportation — offer immediate reports on critical areas of legislation and regulation. You can also view our outstanding (virtual) events with newsmakers from Congress and the administration on

Our Blog Briefing Room is one of the most popular political blogs in the country, and our Opinion Contributors blog offers sharp commentary from points all across the partisan spectrum. The Hill’s Floor Action blog tracks developments as they unfold in the House and Senate and is an invaluable tool for lawmakers themselves and for the public they serve.

Check out all this and more at

Best wishes and warm regards,

Bob Cusack, Editor-in-Chief

New Members Guide 2023