If Dems win the House, expect ‘worst of times’ to follow
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair… .” So wrote Charles Dickens of another era in “A Tale of Two Cities.”
This describes the time in which we live as well. We are a nation simultaneously embracing the idea of American exceptionalism and resurrecting the ideas of our Founding Fathers, while at the same time embracing the kind of socialist ideas that once caused half of Europe to fall behind what Winston Churchill described as an Iron Curtain.
{mosads}And that tale of two Americas is about to play out in voting booths around the country on Tuesday.
In discussing what is at stake, let me start by saying what I will not talk about. Control of the Senate is not in the house of cards for Democrats. It simply isn’t going to happen.
In the House of Representatives, however, the outcome for Republicans is in doubt, and who controls it will have a significant impact not just on the next two years, but for generations.
The “blue wave” that has been bandied about by the media, Democrat pols, pundits and social media addicts everywhere isn’t going to happen (see disclaimer on Senate above). What is at play, however, is something that has been typical during midterm elections historically, and that is a recapture of lost seats by the non-presidential party.
Consider two pop culture icons of recent Democratic presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. In his first midterm election, Bill Clinton’s Democrats lost a net 54 House seats and lost control of the Senate. In 2010, the “One we were waiting for” saw his adoring cult lose 63 seats and control of the House. Four years later he would lose control of the Senate.
Nothing that happens on Tuesday is going to be as historic as the media will make it out to be. It will, however, be incredibly important.
In the Chicago suburbs from which I hail, there is a member of the U.S. House by the name of Jan Schakowsky. Rep. Schakowsky has served Illinois’ 9th District since 1999. What makes her a bit different is that she is one of the rare politicians who openly embraces the label of a “democratic socialist.” She wears her extreme views on her sleeve and can be seen regularly participating in rallies against business and capitalism.
The thing about Congresswoman Schakowsky is that, traditionally, she had been isolated on an extreme edge of her party. Not anymore. Democrats and Team Left now are beginning to make her look a bit too timid. The new prototype to replace the Schakowsky model is the belligerent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who seeks to advance Marxist ideas that will assuredly further bankrupt our country and tear apart the core fabric of America.
There are legions of Ocasio-Cortezes inside the Democratic Party now. They want power and they will stop at nothing to get it. They will be unconstrained if they do get it.
If Democrats take control of the House, their base will demand two full years of extreme actions at every turn. They will not be sending politicians to fight the policies of President Trump as Republican voters did during President Obama’s reign. This group will want their elected leaders to ransack the place. They will insist on investigations, resolutions, time spent passing bills that the Senate will never approve and, of course, we will get the impeachment hearings on President Trump.
His high crime and misdemeanor? Wanting to make America great again.
There is a rabidness to Team Left that simply cannot be allowed to be institutionalized and granted control of a body of government. Handing them the House would be like, as President Trump says, “handing matches to a arsonist.”
If they lose, if the “blue wave” turns into a blue “mud puddle,” please don’t think that means all will be well. If they do not take control of the House, the frenzied mob will not be able to rationally process that result. They will insist that the election was stolen by President Trump, the Russians, or the cast from “Survivor.” There will be protests, there will be attacks on conservatives in public places, and there will be boycotts of anything they can justify boycotting.
But they would not be sharing power, and that means we would have two more years to try to figure out what to do with the barbarians at the gates.
Make no mistake, they are a mob. Of late, that phrase has been getting a lot of attention from the media because the president has started using it. But Ann Coulter identified it back in 2011 with her brilliant book, “Demonic.” She pointed out how the behavior of what we call “progressives” so resembles the behavior of the mobs of the French Revolution studied by Gustave Le Bon.
Ann probably ought to write an updated forward to that book.
I urge my fellow Americans who value life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to keep these radicals out of power in the House. Don’t allow the most extreme fringes of the Democratic Party to take root, and certainly do not reward the very mob tactics that they tried to use against the honorable Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
If our base shows up, votes and holds the line, we can defy history, keep the House, and thwart the most well-funded Democratic midterm offensive in modern history.
Charlie Kirk is the founder and president of Turning Point USA, a conservative nonprofit that aims to educate students on free-market values. You can follow him on Twitter @CharlieKirk11.
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