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Feehery: The left-wing hysteria machine

You can see the scattered remnants of the left-wing hysteria machine on signs throughout my Capitol Hill neighborhood.

My favorite is those that proclaim never-ending love for the United States Postal Service.

We love USPS, the sign says.

Those were the product of the left-wing hysteria that somehow Donald Trump was going to destroy the Post Office to skew the election his way.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called Congress in on a rare weekend session to pass meaningless legislation to “save the Postal Service.” The bill, like too much mail, died an ignominious death, never to be heard from again.

Left-wing hysteria, of course, predates Donald Trump, but his surprising election in 2016 made the hysterical more hysterical.

Remember the Women’s March. That was a fun one. Madonna threatening to blow up the White House as females from all across the country descended upon Washington to protest Trump’s election. They wore pussy hats and carried signs, singing hurray for our side.

It was really quite a sight.

And then came the Mueller investigation. Democrats and the media like to complain about how conservatives refuse to accept the election 2020 election results. The Mueller investigation was the culmination of one huge conspiracy theory, promoted by Left-Wing Hysteria Machine.

Let’s call it the LWHM for short.

Who makes up the LWHM? Well, it starts with some clever members of the Democratic brain trust, starting of course with our current Speaker. It also includes elements of the Obama administration, some of whom are now with the Biden administration. Some left-wing activists who are on the payroll of well-known left-wing billionaires are also part of this group.

But of course, none of these really gets any traction without the active participation of the media. The media barons have found, in this click-bait world, that nothing baits clicks more than left-wing hysteria and so they are more than happy to actively participate in the fun.

The LWHM came out in full force when Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to become a Supreme Court Justice. Kavanaugh is a nice guy, a good family man, politically pretty moderate.

The Left-Wing Hysteria Machine though couldn’t restrain itself and they went full force into attempting to intimidate the United States Senate into submission. The media has conveniently forgotten how they stormed a Senate office building and spewed ugly invective at any Republican senator they could get their hands on.

The LWHM has been in full operation over the last year.

They have successfully scared the crap out of almost every American who takes the media’s word for it on COVID. There are people, and I know a few of them, who almost never venture outside their house for fear that they might catch a disease that has an infection fatality rate, according to some studies of .15, which is slightly worse than a bad flu season.

The LFHM was so successful that it kept public schools closed in most areas where the teacher unions are the strongest for an entire year, despite overwhelming evidence that kids are not major vectors of the disease.

Remember when the LFHM took a pause from the COVID hysteria and move on to Black Lives Matter hysteria?

The BLM movement has been so successful for the founder of BLM that she has enough resources to buy three mansions. But if you are small business in Minneapolis or Portland or Seattle, you can put off the mansion-buying for a while. Hard to buy a new house when your small business is burning to the ground.

One of the more awkward moments for the LFHM came when health “experts” made the case that protesting on behalf of BLM was perfectly safe, while protesting to open schools or small businesses was an unacceptable risk.

Most Americans fall into one of two camps when it comes to left wing hysteria. One camp has completely tuned it out. They go maskless, take their kids to little league games, go to restaurants, and otherwise live normal lives.

The other camp is so riddled with anxiety and fear that they can’t leave their houses unless it is to throw rocks at some police officers to protest the latest indignity or better yet, post the latest sign in their front yard. But first, they have to put on their masks.

Masks are an essential part of the Left-Wing Hysteria Machine.

Feehery is a partner at EFB Advocacy and blogs at He served as spokesman to former Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), as communications director to former Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas) when he was majority whip and as a speechwriter to former House Minority Leader Bob Michel (R-Ill.).