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The feds should follow Michigan’s lead when it comes to unions

A big issue in the last presidential election, current congressional races, and in state and local battles is taxpayer-funded public infrastructure. This is especially true for roads, bridges and transit.

While in many areas more spending is needed, the cost side of the equation needs to be looked at as well. Transportation projects cost more in the United States than virtually anywhere else in the world — even adjusting for health care costs, unionization rates, number of workers and more. (See a recent New York Times piece on the subway system for an especially striking example of costs getting out of control.)

{mosads}Congress and federal agencies are investigating why our transportation systems cost so much, which is a good start. But one key reason is that Congress and many states mandate that taxpayer-funded work comes at a premium.


They do this through “prevailing wage” laws, which require government entities to pay artificially inflated wages to people who work on publicly funded construction projects. For federal projects, this comes by way of the Davis-Bacon Act, and states have similar laws for their own projects.

But just last week, Michigan repealed its prevailing wage law. For the first time since 1965, the state will require fair bidding on projects — and stop requiring inflated costs. This is good news for Michigan taxpayers, and other states should take notice. Consider these facts:

Michigan has been increasing its spending on roads and construction for years. The repeal of the law mandating union wages will help the state get more done with the same amount of money. If other states and the federal government really care about clearing out a backlog of work and a better bang for the taxpayer buck, they should repeal Davis-Bacon and similar state mandates.

Jarrett Skorup is the director of marketing and communications at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a research and educational institute headquartered in Midland, Michigan.