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Liberal arts education is the answer to political polarization

Students work in a lecture theater of the university on October 11, 2017 in Mont-Saint-Aignan, near Rouen, northwestern France. (CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP via Getty Images)

Political polarization, a widening chasm between opposing viewpoints, has permeated every facet of American society, casting a long shadow over the nation’s future, including its ability to engage effectively on the global stage.

As we navigate this labyrinth of division, we must heed the wisdom of Aldous Huxley, who cautioned, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

This illusion, this false sense of certainty, can blind us to the complexities of the world and the diversity of perspectives that exist within it. It can lead us to cling to our preconceived notions, even when confronted with evidence that contradicts them, and make it difficult to engage in honest and productive dialogue with those who hold opposing views.

This polarization has seeped into every facet of American life, from the dinner table to the halls of Congress. Political discourse has become increasingly vitriolic, with civility and compromise replaced by partisan attacks and demonization. The media, once a beacon of objective reporting, has become polarized, catering to specific ideological biases. The political spectrum has shifted further towards the extremes, leaving behind a narrow middle ground and exacerbating the divide between opposing camps.

The consequences of this polarization are far-reaching and detrimental to America’s well-being, extending to the intricate world of foreign policy. Gridlock in government has become the norm, hindering progress on pressing global issues such as climate change, nuclear proliferation and international development. Public discourse has become increasingly toxic, fostering a climate of intolerance and distrust, undermining the very foundations of diplomacy and international cooperation. The structure of society, once held together by shared values and a sense of common purpose, is fraying at the seams, threatening to unravel the very fabric of American identity on the world stage.

In this endeavor, liberal arts education has a critical role to play. Liberal arts education, by its very nature, promotes critical thinking, intellectual humility and an appreciation for diverse perspectives. It encourages students to question assumptions, challenge conventional wisdom and engage in respectful dialogue with those who hold different views. These are essential skills for navigating a polarized world and fostering a more civil and productive political discourse.

Liberal arts education also instills a sense of civic responsibility and a commitment to the common good. It encourages students to engage in their communities, to participate in the democratic process and to work towards solutions to the challenges we face as a society. These are essential qualities for building a more cohesive and just society, both domestically and internationally.

As we seek to bridge the ideological divide and reclaim the promise of a more united America, we must recognize that the solution lies not in suppressing opposing viewpoints but in fostering an environment where diverse perspectives can be heard, understood and respected. Liberal arts education provides a foundation for this kind of dialogue, nurturing the intellectual tools and ethical values necessary to navigate the complexities of our polarized world.

In reclaiming the central role of liberal arts education in our society, we can begin to bridge the ideological divide, foster a more civil and productive political discourse and build a more cohesive and just society. We can equip our citizens with the tools they need to navigate a polarized world, to engage respectfully with others, and to work towards solutions to the challenges we face as a nation and as a global community.

By embracing liberal arts education, we can honor the wisdom of Aldous Huxley and dispel the illusion of knowledge that has clouded our path forward. We can cultivate a society that embraces diversity of thought, fosters open dialogue and strives for a more united and prosperous future for all.

Andrew Latham is a professor of international relations at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minn., a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy, and a non-resident fellow at Defense Priorities in Washington, D.C. Follow him @aalatham.

Tags College Education Foreign policy Liberal arts education political polarization

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