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President Biden: Call for ecosystem restoration

FILE - President Joe Biden speaks during a session on Action on Forests and Land Use, during the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 2, 2021. (Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool, File)

As weather disasters increase across the United States, communities are finding they need to become more resilient. But where should they begin?

The answer is the same almost everywhere. With a bit of sweat equity, communities can restore local ecosystems that protect people and property from extreme weather, fires and rising seas. Many of those assets have been ignored, degraded or destroyed but they are the low-hanging fruit for improving resilience. And with little effort, the Biden administration can help.

Nature works

Healthy ecosystems can reduce flood damage, block the energy of storm surges, lower temperatures during heat waves, purify and recharge groundwater, reduce pressure on stormwater systems, prevent erosion, increase soil fertility and more. Yet, they are often taken for granted or sacrificed for economic development, urbanization and agriculture.

In 2014, researchers estimated ecosystem services worldwide were worth as much as $125 trillion in 2011. Unfortunately, human activity destroyed natural systems worth more than $20 trillion annually from 1997 to 2011. Estimates specific to the United States are harder to come by, but the Biden administration has launched a process to fix this by adding nature’s value to America’s economic accounting system.

In the meantime, there are anecdotal data. For example, scattered estimates indicate land uses such as forests, wetlands and green spaces provided more than $400,000 in annual benefits per acre last year. In 2015, researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill determined that fixing ecosystems, often in response to federal environmental regulations, created a “restoration economy” that added $24.5 billion annually to America’s GDP and employed more than 220,000 workers. Now, that subsector itself needs restoration due to former President Donald Trump’s rollback of more than 100 environmental regulations.

The ‘fixables’

What are some examples of lost but recoverable ecosystem services?

Climate migration

About four in 10 Americans lived in counties hit by climate-related weather disasters last year; more than 14.5 million homes were affected. These are only the early signs of climate change. Researchers predict millions of Americans will move to safer locations in the decades ahead. The migration has already begun with nearly one-third of Americans who moved during the first half of this year citing climate change as the reason.

However, the human risks of global warming are still growing in America because more people are moving into high-risk places than out of them. Redfin, a real-estate firm, reports that “counties with the largest share of homes facing high heat, drought, fire, flood and storm risk saw their populations grow from 2016-2020 due to migration.”

There is no national strategy or policy to guide climate migration, either by discouraging Americans from moving into harm’s way or encouraging them to relocate to places in need of population growth. Nor is there a coherent national program for resilience-enhancing ecosystem restoration. But with his bully pulpit and existing federal assets, President Biden could do the following:

  1. In partnership with AmeriCorps, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and other stakeholders, launch a 10-year grassroots campaign to restore America’s vital ecosystems, emphasizing local resilience and carbon sequestration.
  2. Direct the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to develop a website that provides a single point of access to the many programs and tools scattered across the federal government to help restore and protect ecosystems. Direct agencies to make these programs as accessible and hassle-free as possible.
  3. Task the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct online training for local officials and organizations on the tools available to identify, evaluate and prioritize damaged ecosystem services.

Putting nature back to work would have national as well as local benefits, including bringing people together in a common cause. For that reason alone, Biden should make this big and do it soon.

William S. Becker is a former U.S. Department of Energy central regional director and special assistant to the department’s assistant secretary of energy efficiency and renewable energy. He is executive director of the Presidential Climate Action Project, a nonpartisan initiative founded in 2007 that works with national thought leaders to develop federal policy proposals on climate change and the clean energy transition. The project is not affiliated with the White House.