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We need a strategic stockpile of infectious disease data

The U.S. needs a new strategic stockpile … of data. Our economic and national security depend on it.

Now that we are on the path to containing COVID-19 we need to ensure that we prevent such a crisis from happening again. Since we can’t prevent new diseases from emerging, we have to learn to manage them better. Better data means better situation awareness, better models, better decisions, quicker response, a safer population, better health outcomes and a strong and resilient economy.

As a scientist, I’ve spent the last fifteen years developing models of epidemics. Prior to COVID-19, the models I developed were relatively limited in scope. They were intended to apply to a small population or geographic area (e.g. the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa). The COVID-19 pandemic was the first time that I worked on models on a truly large scale.

This work showed me the serious flaws in our data collection systems at the local, regional and national levels. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did and does provide data about the state of the epidemic, it was not fine-grained, and during the height of the epidemic it was often out of date. News media such as the New York Times and The Atlantic, and universities such as Johns Hopkins stepped in to fill the gap with their personnel, expertise and dashboards.

But managing the data to coordinate a national response to epidemics is not the job of the media or of academic researchers. The U.S. needs a centralized repository for collecting and cleaning data and disseminating it in real-time to relevant stakeholders, including decision-makers, doctors and scientists and the public. An important role for the new National Center for Outbreak Analytics is the collection of high-resolution spatial and temporal information about pathogen-specific testing, cases and outcomes, including demographic information about patients, such as age and race.

Similarly, the understanding of disease outbreaks like COVID-19 can be considerably improved by joining data about transmission (i.e. cases, hospitalizations and deaths) with other data streams. With COVID-19, anonymized mobility data was used to understand how the population moves throughout the country, while still respecting individual privacy, but modelers were slow to make use of this information because they had to negotiate with different technology companies to gain access. Other information that needs to be collected and curated in real-time includes:

Real time data can also feed early warning systems for disease outbreaks. Such systems are currently in their infancy, but there is tremendous scope for future development if the right data streams are put into place.

However, collection of data in real time is not enough and there is much that must be done. Just as the strategic national stockpile of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies like ventilators and medicines exists to save lives in the event of a national medical emergency, a strategic data stockpile would save lives with information. But data collection must begin well before the emergency. 

There is no excuse for not having a wide range of data sources archived, standardized and cataloged to be placed in service when needed. Stockpiled data might include:

Prior to the pandemic, the United States had no shortage of pandemic-preparation plans. However, what was missing when SARS-CoV-2 began to spread was the acknowledgment that data don’t simply “exist.” Data have to be created and interpreted. Public health should be a non-partisan issue. Funding must be continual to ensure that an infectious disease strategic data stockpile is always up-to-date.

Epidemics grow exponentially when left unchecked, which is why early recognition and intervention are key to ensuring that outbreaks don’t become epidemics.

The COVID-19 pandemic is not yet over and it is just a matter of time before the next pandemic occurs. COVID-19 has shown that developing an operative strategic data stockpile must be a priority of the United States Congress prior to the emergence of the next novel pathogen.

John M. Drake is a professor and director of the Center for the Ecology of Infectious Diseases at the University of Georgia.