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Media ignore Trump’s British support on NATO

Since President Donald Trump left the NATO summit in Brussels on Thursday and travelled to the United Kingdom to visit Prime Minister Theresa May and other British officials, the elite media have been desperately trying to cast this important overseas trip in a bad light.

They want you to believe that all NATO member states (along with their entire populations) hate our president, and that even our closest allies are upset and scandalized by his demand that all NATO members pay their fair shares for our common defense.

The elite media – at least in the U.S. – are so committed to this narrative that they are ignoring evidence that contradicts it.

For instance, on Wednesday, nine former senior officers of the British military took out a half-page advertisement in the Times of London, agreeing with President Trump’s position on NATO and urging Prime Minister May to heed his advice. It was accompanied by a story, written by the Times of London’s defense editor, describing the fact that the UK was “set to fail Trump’s funding test.”

Banks Times Half18Bv3 (1) by The Hill Newspaper on Scribd

As of Friday night, a full three days after the ad ran, you still heard nothing about this in the elite U.S. media.

The writers of the advertisement unequivocally state, “We respectfully remind the Prime Minister that, uniquely in Government, she and her Ministers do not control how much money is needed to provide adequate defense of the Realm: our potential enemies determine what is needed. This is an eternal truth from which there is no waiver. President Trump is right to warn us not to relearn this bitter lesson. He is also right that Europe has been a free-rider on U.S. defense for far too long. That period is now over.”

{mosads}Just to be clear, the drafters of this ad were not random right-wing British military members. The list includes a former commander of Joint Forces Command, a former chief of MI6 (the British intelligence agency), a former chief of the Air Staff, admirals, generals, and the list goes on. These are serious people, whose advice should be taken seriously.


They went on to lay out an eight-step plan to rebuild the United Kingdom’s defenses, which sounded incredibly like President Trump’s own plan to rebuild our military.

The fact that you have heard nothing about this from the New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, or the rest of the elite American media tells you how phony is the version of reality they are presenting to Americans.

It also is yet another example of the media’s bias. Just imagine the coverage if nine former high-ranking British military leaders came out against President Trump’s foreign policy. It would be leading the news reports for days.

However, because this counters the narrative – because it presents the opinion that President Trump is right about NATO and about national security – it is blissfully overlooked by American reporters.

This is one of the reasons why I recently wrote the book, “Trump’s America: The Truth About Our Nation’s Great Comeback.” The elite liberal media will not tell you the truth about what kind of support President Trump and his policies are receiving – even when it comes from people who dedicated their lives to defend Great Britain, the West and our allies.

At least these nine brave British heroes know that Donald Trump is correct on the issues of NATO and the national security and military needs of the U.S. and its allies – even if some of our reporters don’t.

Newt Gingrich is a former speaker of the House and host of Defending America, an online course on protecting fundamental American values. He is a senior scientist with Gallup.

Tags American Media Donald Trump Foreign policy of Donald Trump NATO Theresa May

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