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Letters: Trump’s misleading ad tactics should worry American voters

From Matthew J. Maiona, immigration attorney

Donald Trump wants Americans to know that Moroccans are crossing the border in large numbers — into Spanish territory. 

On Jan. 4th The Hill reported (“Trump ad shows footage of migrants in Morocco, not at ‘southern border’ ”) that the latest Trump political ad depicts migrants running into “Melilla, one of two enclaves on the Moroccan coast held by Spain.” The ad then flashes that Trump will “stop illegal immigration.” Apparently, there is not enough action on the U.S. border, so the Trump campaign had to outsource to Morocco and then purposely and deliberately mislead the public through disingenuous advertising by removing the date stamp and Italian news station logo on the video. According to The Hill, when Trump’s campaign manager was asked about use of the footage the manager replied: “No shit it’s not the Mexican border, but that’s what our country is going to look like if we don’t do anything.” 

While many will laugh this off as another outrageous Trump commentary, the American public should be concerned regardless of which side of the aisle they happen to be on. A candidate for the highest office in the United States who uses misinformation and outright lies to obtain the office, without regard to the harm he is causing to the office or the country, should make all Americans leery. Perhaps this type of behavior works in the business world for Trump, but it should not and cannot be accepted by the American people from a candidate for the highest office in the land. 

If Trump is willing to outright mislead the American people for their vote, what do you suppose he will do when he is president? Trump does not care what you think because he has nothing to lose. You only have one vote, use it wisely.

— Boston 

Hillary Clinton shows disregard for law with immigration stance 

From Jim Posmer

Hillary Clinton promises not to use the term “illegal immigrants” and asks all presidential candidates to do the same even though these people violated our laws and are here illegally. She wants to use the term “undocumented immigrants” to describe these law breakers. How little must Clinton think of those who obeyed our laws and came here legally that she would excuse those who violated our laws?

Could it be that Clinton believes that we need not obey the laws of this country? Does Clinton think that those who immigrated legally and obeyed our laws were just fools for doing it the right way? Clinton claims “undocumented immigrants” have names and hopes and dreams that deserve to be respected, but not our laws. Yes, “undocumented immigrants” were willing to break our laws, and they should not be ostracized for it. Could it be Clinton is just pandering for the Hispanic vote? If she is not, maybe she can give a full list of laws she would advocate that people not follow.

I would ask Clinton if we should use the term “undocumented pharmacist” for those who have names and hopes and dreams that deserve to be respected and want a better way of life and are willing to break our laws in order to dispense the drugs on the street corner. If we willing to use the excuse they have names and hopes and dreams that must be respected as a justification for breaking of our laws, I guess we can really put a dent in the crime rate.

If this is what the American people want in a leader, how long can this country survive?

Polk City, Fla.

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