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Terror within our shores is an unacceptable ‘new normal’

There is no doubt that militant Islamic terror is within our shores. Those who doubt this influence need to review events on West Street at about 3:00 p.m. on October 31 when an apparent devotee of ISIS drove a truck into unsuspecting pedestrians.

I heard the sirens that afternoon, but was unaware of the horror. This field of bloodshed was in my neighborhood on a path I know all too well. From Houston Street south this is the pathway to recreations. There is a Trapeze school, tennis courts, basketball courts, miniature golf. Now the courts are contaminated by murder.

{mosads}The assailant knows no remorse. He is the creature of a demented ideology that depends on nihilism. In fact, he takes pride in his murderous actions indicating that he wanted to reach the Brooklyn Bridge where there was a chance for more bloodshed.

In the United States, misguided politicians think a Diversity Visa via lottery makes sense. President Trump understands what many in Washington do not: Immigration is the most important issue of our time. Unless we can control the sovereignty of our nation and determine who comes into America, we will be facing murder, mayhem and the destruction of civic life.

According to the FBI, there are young Muslim men being radicalized in all 50 states. Yet, in an open society, there is very little we can do to protect ourselves. If a truck driver chooses to ram into a crowd, there is nothing that can be done to prevent it. Yes, Big Data may offer hints about potential terrorists, and yes, tightening immigration laws and Green Card certification will help. But even with these necessary precautions we are vulnerable.

It is important for Americans to realize that as awful and tragic events in Texas and Las Vegas, those murders are not, at least as a result of the investigations so far, in any technical sense acts of terrorism. The New York attacker is being charged with federal terrorism offenses, which has a specific legal definition which relates to a political calling and should not be conflated with mass shootings.

To truly combat terrorism we must realize this is war. When saboteurs entered the United States during World War II, President Roosevelt saw to it that they were apprehended, tried and executed or imprisoned.

For many Americans, any condemnation of radical Islamic ideology is racism. These people are willing to sacrifice life for their ideological preference. But I don’t think they have the right to sacrifice my life. A line must be drawn between civil liberties and national security recognizing the role both play in our political culture, yet emphasizing the priority of preserving life first.

As a result of the Halloween massacre I am obliged to relive 9/11 again. Death is at my doorstep. Five Argentines, one Belgian and two Americans were senselessly murdered by a fiend and my normally peaceful environment has been thrown into disarray. Walking the path north of Stuyvesant High School, I feel dread. The full weight of terror surrounds me. This is precisely what the terrorists want. Politicians say we are resilient and stand up to the “new normal.” I ask, “when did murder become normal?” When did I have to adjust to death at the hands of terrorists?

It is true Americans are resilient. Yet resilience shouldn’t be confused with complacency. We must come to grips with the long war before us and be prepared to secure the future through mental and physical toughness. What this means is that the United States must mobilize its resources to fight a war on many fronts. This is an ideological battle in which we must demonstrate that our devotion to individual rights and freedom of conscience is superior to categorical imperatives and group-think.

The template for this battle can be found in the Cold War; the spirit for proceeding can be found in the hearts and minds of Americans if they are challenged with the task ahead. To do any less is to usher in an era of despair.

Dr. Herbert London, president of the London Center for Policy Research and the author/contributor of 30 books, the latest being: “Leading From Behind: The Obama Doctrine and the U.S. Retreat From International Affairs.”


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