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Biden’s age versus Trump’s chaos is an easy vote

President Biden’s age isn’t a liability, it’s a ledger of lessons learned and relationships built and honed over decades of service. Under his administration, we’re not merely drifting toward normalcy, we’re navigating toward a more thoughtful and resilient future. 

In Biden’s case, age isn’t just a number — it’s a lifelong dedication to public service and a testament to his persistence. Why do Democrats seem to shy away from age debates when we can instead highlight the seasoned virtues that President Biden’s experience brings? 

Biden’s experienced judgment, stability and profound understanding are not just assets, they are the very anchors of his presidency. Consider the economic landscape. Under Biden’s leadership, the U.S. is experiencing more than a rebound — it’s a renaissance. 

The unemployment rate, which has plummeted to around 3.7 percent, is a testament to the administration’s economic strategies and adept management post-pandemic. The American Rescue Plan’s $1.9 trillion stimulus isn’t just a financial band-aid, it’s a comprehensive recovery strategy, reviving businesses, preserving jobs and steadying the economy amid an unprecedented global upheaval. 

Similarly, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, with its robust $1.2 trillion investment, isn’t just repairing roads and bridges — it’s building an America prepared for future challenges. 

These initiatives are not stopgaps, they are cornerstones of a visionary plan to bolster the economy’s foundations and ensure its vitality for generations. Together, they underscore a commitment to not just rebuilding but reimagining a stronger, more durable economic landscape.

In an era desperately seeking stability and wisdom, Biden’s tenure emerges as a beacon of consistency, sharply contrasting the volatile tenure of former President Trump. Where once the White House was a source of divisiveness and unpredictability, Biden has ushered in an era of thoughtful, strategic governance. His presidency is defined by its careful, planned approach — addressing challenges from pandemic recovery to economic revitalization with a steady hand. This shift from the previous administration’s chaos offers a renewed sense of hope and security.

Ironically, while many in the media have often turned a blind eye to Trump’s erratic behavior and blatant disregard for norms, it doesn’t hesitate to question Biden’s capabilities based on his age. This stark difference in scrutiny highlights a broader conversation about what we value in leadership. True leadership is measured not by years but by the wisdom accumulated, a proven track record and the ability to lead with empathy and resolve. 

Republicans have attempted to make the president’s cognitive ability an issue in the 2024 election, but when considering the mental acumen of President Biden and former President Trump, a clear distinction emerges. 

Biden, with his deliberate and consistent approach, reflects the steadiness expected of a president. In contrast, Trump’s tenure was punctuated by a series of troubling statements and erratic tweets that raised questions about his mental stability. Trump expressed admiration for authoritarian leaders and even “joked” about being a “president for life.”

His impulsive tweets, ranging from threatening to withdraw from NATO to baseless conspiracy theories, underscored a threatening and unregulated approach to governance. This contrast in mental acumen between Biden’s measured, experienced leadership and Trump’s unpredictable, often inflammatory, conduct is stark, emphasizing the importance of stable and careful leadership for the presidency. 

Voters should worry less about Biden’s age and more about Trump’s erratic behavior. Biden’s term, marked by significant economic recovery and a return to coherent policymaking, is a testament to the invaluable nature of experience in the Oval Office. 

Embracing Biden’s accomplished leadership is a choice for continuity, stability and a commitment to America’s future. It’s an acknowledgment that age brings not just years, but also a depth of understanding and a style of leadership equipped to navigate the country toward prosperity and unity. As we look forward, let’s focus on the substantive: the journey, the lessons and the knowledgeable vision of a leader who has devoted a lifetime to public service. 

Trump and Biden are proof that while age is mandatory, wisdom is optional — and only one seems to have chosen wisely.

Michael Starr Hopkins is a founding partner at Northern Starr Strategies.