
Panetta tells lawmakers sequestration ‘undermines everything’ you represent

He reiterated his claim that budget sequestration will hollow out the
United States military force and “devastate” the nation’s national security.

Sequestration, automatic across-the-board cuts to civilian and
defense spending, was triggered by the deficit-reduction
supercommittee’s failure last November to find at least $1.2 trillion
in savings over the next decade. Without congressional action, the
sequestration cuts will begin in 2013.

He told the panel that it is the responsibility of Congress to
prevent “a meat ax” approach to Defense Department budget cuts and
called on lawmakers to find a way to “de-trigger” the sequester.

“It undermines everything that you represent,” said Panetta, a former congressman and White House budget chief.

Panetta, however, said he opposed efforts by House Armed Services Committee Chairman
Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) and Senate Armed Services ranking member John
McCain (R-Ariz.) to undo the first year of sequestration by making cuts to
the federal workforce.

“I don’t think you should de-trigger sequester on the backs of our
civilian workforce,” he said.

The defense secretary said the budget proposed by President Obama,
which reflects an effort to trim military spending over a 10-year
period, is a “balanced and complete package” that would be
detrimentally impacted if sequestration is allowed.

There is “no margin of error,” he added.

Dempsey told the lawmakers that given nature of the sequestration, it
would force cuts to come from equipment, modernization efforts, and
training capabilities.

“We are living in most dangerous time in my lifetime” and
sequestration would be “oblivious” to that fact, said Dempsey.